I love this time of year! We're already losing a lot of our blossoms, though, due to a mild winter followed by a cold snap. But that's okay. I'll enjoy them while I can.

At long last I have replaced my DSLR! Unfortunately, I'm currently suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum because- surprise!- I'm 15 weeks pregnant! It took many years for this baby to make its way to us and we feel truly blessed.
As soon as I'm feeling better, I'll be out taking pictures. Stay tuned!
It broke it June and was no longer under warranty. I've been saving up for a new one. I'm hoping to get it in January for my birthday, so I will be back with new photos shortly! :)
All photos are property of me, Alisha Morgan. Please do not copy or use photos without my permission. Please feel free to link to a post. Thanks!
© 2009-2017 Alisha Morgan